My last post on this blog was several months ago, basically saying I hadn't updated recently because I was editing my second book. That book came out in August, and it's now December. I'm well into writing my third and still, no blog posts.
So, what gives?
I started blogging because I wanted to share the experience of writing a book with people who enjoyed my writing. The problem is that I want to write about what I'm writing NOW, not what I wrote a year or more ago. I wanted to share the experience first hand, rather than share thoughts on how I developed my earlier work. To be honest, the guy who wrote my first book really went about things differently than I would today. I figure by the time I finish the seventh Jessica Carter book, I'll have just about figured things out. But I can't share that real-time learning experience on a blog. Why? Spoilers.
If people are interested in my books, which is the audience I was trying to cultivate, then they'll want to go into my next novel with open minds unspoiled by revelations like who I plan to kill off or what the end-game is for the series' big mysteries. These things occupy a lot of my time and thinking about writing, but I can't share those things on a blog where people plan to then read those stories.
So the blog ends up being filled with superficial stuff, and that's boring. There's no return on investment for me as an author, and there's less for my readers.
If you have ideas for something you want me to post on the blog, let me know (on Facebook, where I actually see and get alerts for posted comments) and maybe I'll come back to this. Or maybe I'll convert this website to a character/location profiles kind of deal. Who knows. All I know is I'm having a lot of fun writing about the craziness of Kristina and Andrew's wedding, and that's what's most important for my readers.